Infuso foglie di olivo per il tuo cuore

PRODOTTO NATURALE: anche se naturale è un prodotto standardizzato con una ben precisa quantità di principi attivi (in molti casi nei prodotti naturali e fitoterapici non si è certi della quantità di principi attivi). Questo vale per tutti i campioni del prodotto (nel senso che, se raffrontiamo vari campioni di infuso di foglie di olivo, la quantità di principi attivi è più o meno uguale tra un campione e l’altro, mg in più o in meno). Inoltre la quantità delle molecole è sufficiente per avere dei benefici (se la quantità è insufficiente i benefici non si hanno). In un litro di Verde Puro ci sono circa 6 gr di principi attivi (polifenoli), che è una quantità molto elevata; se ne facessimo un estratto secco (cioè togliessimo l’acqua) ricaveremmo un bel cucchiaino da caffè o una grossa compressa, che ci risulterebbe difficile da inghiottire.

AZIONE SINERGICA DI PIU’ PRINCIPI ATTIVI: si assume l’alimento in toto (e non i singoli principi attivi), quindi è come se consumassimo la foglia nella sua interezza . Un alimento assunto in toto è più efficace dei singoli principi attivi o delle singole molecole. Cioè se estraiamo le singole molecole e li assumiamo singolarmente non avremo mai l’efficacia dell’alimento assunto in toto. Negli ultimi anni molte case farmaceutiche hanno isolato i principi attivi di vari alimenti, che si sono rivelati molto utili nella prevenzione di varia malattie tumorali e

degenerative (per il pomodoro il licopene utile nella prevenzione dei tumori della prostata; gli isotiocianati dei broccolo o cavolini di Bruxelles utili nella prevenzione dei tumori della mammella; l’epigallocatechina gallato nel tè verde utile nella prevenzione di vari tumori e altri ancora). Questo perché si era osservato che le popolazioni che consumavano questi alimenti per lunghi anni avevano un’incidenza inferiore di queste patologie rispetto ad altre

popolazioni. Si è però osservato successivamente che pur avendo individuato quali erano i principi attivi che davano questi benefici somministrandoli singolarmente non si aveva la stessa efficacia che consumando l’alimento nella sua interezza (probabilmente perché nell’alimento intero ci sono altri componenti che ne potenziano i benefici e che noi attualmente non conosciamo).

ASSENZA DI EFFETTI COLLATERALI DI ABBINARLO AI FARMACI: per ridurne laposologia e il dosaggio dei farmaci ; per ridurre gli effetti collaterali dei farmaci (molti pazienti fanno terapie con molti farmaci e l’uso contemporaneo di più farmaci aumenta gli effetti collaterali); ridurre l’uso dì farmaci costosi per il servizio sanitario e per il paziente. TI consiglio è comunque di affiancarlo ai farmaci. se il paziente già li assume, e non di togliere il farmaco, perché può essere molto pericoloso. Sarà solo il medico curante che stabilirà successivamente se ridurre la terapia farmacologica. Solo nei casi lievi. in cui il paziente non assume nulla, si può consigliare l’utilizzo di VERDE PURO da solo.

VANTAGGI PER ALCUNE MALAITIE CRONICHE (vedi diabete ed ipertensione): possibilità di ridurre non solo i parametri (glicemia ed emoglobina glicosilata per il diabete; pressione per i pazienti ipertesi), ma soprattutto di prevenire le complicanze della malattia stessa (complicanze cardiovascolari, infarto e ictus, per i pazienti ipertesi, e sempre complicanze cardiovascolari e sui vari organi, retinopatia. nefropatia e neuropatia. Nei pazienti diabetici), soprattutto per le proprietà antiossidanti del prodotto. Il fatto che l’uso protratto di VERDE PURO possa ridurre le complicanze è a mio parere molto più importante del fatto che possa ridurre la glicemia o la pressione, perché attualmente ci sono molti farmaci estremamente efficaci net ridurre questi parametri (anche se l’uso di VERDE PURO può essere utile nel ridurne la posologia) ma questi farmaci non hanno proprietà annossidamì e il paziente diabetico muore non perché va in coma diabetico (se non in rari casi) ma per le complicanze devastanti sui vari organi della malattia. soprattutto legate all’ossidazione.

AZIONE ADATTOG.ENA: cioè si adatta al singolo organismo, per cui la funzione non è mai eccessiva. T farmaci non hanno una capacità adattogena, per cui le dosi eccessive possono essere pericolose.

AZIONR PREVENTIVA: può essere utile per la prevenzione delle due principali cause di morte delle società occidentali (malattie cardiovascolari e tumorali), Le forti proprietà antiossidanti dell’VERDE PURO, dovute ai polifenoli, sono utile nel prevenire l’ossidazione della parete arteriosa (quindi della placca di grasso aterosclerotica) e quindi nel ridurre l’incidenza di infarti e ictus, e del materiale genetico (DNA) e quindi nell’alterazione della sua struttura che porta all’aumento delle patologie tumorali (si può fare riferimento ai numerosi studi sull’uso dell’olio

extravergine di oliva, che ci dicono che anche un incremento moderato del suo consumo porta alla dimiauzione di queste patologie). Ovviamente quando una patologia è già in atto (vedi tumori), VERDE PURO potrà fare poco, perché la cellula tumorale è una cellula profondamente alterata che non risponde a nessun stimolo e si moltiplica autonomamente.

Medical Cannabis Clinic for Chronic Pain

Medical cannabis treatment for chronic pain
Chronic or persistent pain is defined by the NHS as “pain that carries on for longer than 12 weeks despite medication or treatment.”

After an injury or surgery, most people are able to get back to normal. In some cases, however, the pain persists for a long period of time, or even appears without any prior history of disorders.

Aside from chronic pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, IBS, and other health conditions can also cause this type of pain.

Although chronic pain conditions cannot be directly treated, they can be lessened by treating their symptoms and lessening their effects.

An ageing population and rise in diseases like rheumatoid arthritis are likely to increase the number of people who suffer from chronic pain in the UK. Cannabis for chronic pain helps with pain relief through interaction with endocannabinoids, the body’s own “cannabis” system.

How does medical cannabis help with pain?
The brain and other parts of the body contain cannabinoid receptors. Endocannabinoids are chemicals produced by our bodies that attach to receptors and carry out important functions.

As a result of this system, pain is controlled, mood is controlled, anti-inflammation responses are controlled, body movements are controlled, and epilepsy is controlled.

These receptors are also activated by Phyto cannabinoids, which are plant cannabinoids. Cannabis is therefore capable of being used in so many different ways in medicine.

LVL Health’s plan to make medical cannabis more accessible in the UK
Researchers will be able to conduct future trials using whole-plant cannabis for chronic pain conditions including arthritis, back pain, and fibromyalgia with the help of a feasibility study that has been approved by regulators.

As part of the study, private cannabis clinic LVL Health is recruiting 100 patients, with plans to recruit 5,000 patients in the future.

Approximately 10,000 private patients in the UK have already been prescribed cannabis medicines, most of whom suffer from chronic pain.

However, before prescribing it on the NHS, the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) wants more robust data to evaluate its impact, especially as an alternative to opioids.

It is hoped that LVL Health will help close the evidence gap as well as accelerate patient access and improve patient care.

What makes LVL different from other clinics?
The medical cannabis clinic service is completely designed to provide its patients with the most convenient and comfortable method of receiving treatment. Due to this, all assessments, consultations, and medication deliveries are done via phone or online, and all medication is delivered directly to the patient by courier.

Once a patient has had a free initial assessment, included with the cost of joining the clinic, then a Multi-Disciplinary Team consisting of several health care professionals specialising in chronic pain will determine if they are eligible for treatment using medicinal cannabis.

Once the medication has been received, the patient will use an inhaler that pairs with an app on their own mobile device, to allow them to track and control how much they inhale, ensuring consistent and predictable results.

In turn, this will send the data to the clinic for their feasibility trial, so that they can research and analyse the data and make a case for better access to medical cannabis in the UK.

By joining LVL Health, patients will be automatically enrolled in a study programme that has been specifically designed for chronic pain.

A Standard of care programme accessible by priamry care surgeries will be developed using the data collected form the inhalers. In addition to pariticpating in a wider chronic pain study programme, LVL patients are able to access medical cannabis at substantially lower costs.

Top 8 Benefits of Exercising While Recovering from Addiction

If you are recovering from addiction, it may be a good idea to take on some new healthy habits. One of them should be exercise. In this guide, we’re going to be taking a look at eight benefits that you’ll experience when you’re getting in the best shape possible.

If you choose to do your treatment at Gallus Detox, you’re in the best company. You’ll work with professionals that will help you get in the mindset of kicking your addiction. While you’re at it, you’ll want to plan for the future in terms of life without drugs.

Exercise should be a part of that. So in case you need a list of reminders, let’s take a look at the following.

1. It reduces stress
Stress can take a toll on someone. And some will even turn to drugs to cope with it. However, you’re in recovery and want to find an alternative.

Exercising is an excellent stress reliever. That’s because it releases endorphins that will make you feel a lot better. You’d be hard-pressed to find an excellent stress reliever quite like a walk, a run, or some other kind of exercise.

2. You can get a good night’s sleep
When you’re in recovery, you may be dealing with poor sleep habits. That can be due to the fact you may be dealing with withdrawal symptoms or the like. However, exercise can help you get the rest you need.

Your quantity and quality will increase over time. This is something that won’t happen overnight. But it will definitely put you in the right direction towards a good night’s sleep every single night you hit the sack.

3. You get more energy
When you’re in recovery, you may have days where you feel sluggish. And this is normal. When you exercise, your levels will increase over time.

When you have an abundant amount of energy, you may feel like you can go on longer than possible. You’ll have longer workouts, you’ll feel a lot better after you crank out your reps, and you’ll feel like you can power on through the day.

You’ll notice that you’re feeling like you’re aging in reverse. If that isn’t a good sign of an improved life after treatment, we don’t know what is.

4. Your immune system gets a nice boost
Drugs tend to depress the immune system. This means you are more likely to get sick. Plus, you may also be more susceptible to various illnesses including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and more.

With regular exercise, you can lessen the chances of getting these illnesses. Not only that, you can improve your immune system. You won’t have to worry about dealing with the long-term health effects that can occur with an immune system that doesn’t function as normal.

Again, this is something that won’t improve overnight. However, with consistency and time, you can be able to notice improvements in your overall health. You’ll wake up feeling more refreshed and energetic.

You won’t wake up feeling sluggish, wanting to go back to sleep, and feeling under the weather all the time. Exercise might be the best supplement to a boosted immune system without the use of vitamins alone.

5. It improves your mental health
Your mental health will improve when you exercise. You’ll feel more confident, feel a lot better, and feel less depressed. You may be dealing with mental disorders that may have occurred prior to your addiction.

With improvements in mental health, exercise can provide you with this next benefit. Want to know what it is? Keep reading.

6. It reduces the likelihood of relapse
If you are worried about relapsing after treatment, it’s OK to be that way. With regular exercise, you reduce that risk of doing so by over 50 percent. This means you will be experiencing the physical and mental benefits of exercise, which will work together to make you feel great overall.

When you are not feeling your best physically and mentally, you use to turn to drugs to cope with the pain. But with regular exercise, this is never the case. If you want to keep the chances of relapse low, continue exercising.

You may have your good days and your bad days. But leave it to exercise to make it better no matter what.

7. Exercise reduces cravings
As mentioned before, exercise will knock out relapses. On top of that, it can also reduce cravings for the substances you use. That’s why you may want to start your exercise routine while you’re in treatment.

One study points out that when rehab attendees did moderate aerobic workouts for 12 weeks, their cravings were greatly reduced. Not only that, they were on pace to live a life without substances and not dealing with a single relapse in the process.

8. It helps keep you busy
Exercise is a time consuming activity. That’s the good news. Even better, it keeps you busy and keeps your mind off of the drugs you might be craving.

You will also keep the thought of living a drug-free life at the forefront. You’ll feel like you can do just about anything. Busy is a lot better than bored, which is the usual mood when someone wants to try drugs (be it the first time or regularly).

You’d be hard pressed to find another activity that will keep you busy during treatment quite like exercise.

Final Thoughts

If you are considering an activity that will make addiction worthwhile, then consider exercising on the regular. You’ll want to enjoy these eight benefits listed above and for good reason. If you are looking for a great way to boost your health mentally and physically, there is no better way to do it than exercise.

The sooner you start with exercise, the better things will be. Whether it’s during or after recovery, you’ll notice a lot of physical and mental changes in your body. You’ll feel a lot better about yourself and have the can-do attitude and energy to power through your recovery.

Navigating the Correction of Unsuccessful Rhinoplasty

Understanding Rhinoplasty and Its Pitfalls
Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure aimed at altering the shape or size of the nose to improve facial harmony. While many achieve their desired outcomes, some patients face complications or unsatisfactory results, leading to what is often referred to as a “bad nose job.”

Common Indicators of a Suboptimal Rhinoplasty
Several signs may indicate a less-than-ideal rhinoplasty outcome:

Collapsed Nasal Structure
An overly reduced nasal bridge due to excessive removal of bone or cartilage can lead to a weakened structure and potential collapse.

Constricted Nostrils
Over-resection of tissue around the nostrils can result in a pinched appearance, affecting both aesthetics and nasal function.

Over-rotated Nasal Tip
An excessively elevated tip can give a “pig-like” appearance, which may or may not resolve naturally over time.

Breathing Difficulties
Post-surgical breathing issues could signify a compromised nasal valve, necessitating further medical attention.

Patients noticing these issues should promptly consult with their original surgeon for an assessment and discussion of potential corrective measures.

The Genesis of Rhinoplasty Complications
Pinpointing a single cause for unsatisfactory rhinoplasty results is challenging. Factors range from surgical errors to individual healing processes. To minimize risks, patients should seek out a surgeon with a proven track record in rhinoplasty, who can tailor the procedure to the patient’s unique facial structure and aesthetic goals. A thorough pre-surgical evaluation and a carefully crafted treatment plan are critical for success.

Postoperative Steps Following an Unsuccessful Rhinoplasty
In the event of a disappointing outcome, patients should work closely with their surgeon to understand the underlying issues and explore corrective options. Revision rhinoplasty may be recommended, which is a more intricate procedure than the initial surgery and requires a surgeon with specialized expertise in corrective nasal surgeries.

The Role of Revision Rhinoplasty
Revision rhinoplasty is intended for patients who did not achieve their desired results from an initial procedure. It addresses both structural and cosmetic concerns, such as asymmetry, nasal humps, or a pinched tip. It is typically advised to wait approximately one year after the first surgery to allow for complete healing and the emergence of final results before undergoing revision.

A revision rhinoplasty can take upwards of four hours and requires a meticulous postoperative regimen to ensure proper healing. Patients should maintain open communication with their surgeon throughout the recovery process to promptly address any complications.

Safety and Efficacy of Revision Rhinoplasty
The success of revision rhinoplasty varies and depends on several factors, including the complexity of the corrections needed and the surgeon’s skill. Continuous monitoring of the patient’s recovery and outcomes is essential to identify and manage any issues that may arise.

Choosing the Right Surgeon for Revision Rhinoplasty
For those seeking to correct a previous rhinoplasty, it is crucial to select a facial plastic surgeon with extensive experience in revision procedures. A qualified surgeon can significantly reduce the likelihood of further complications and help patients achieve the results they initially envisioned.

In conclusion, while a bad nose job can be distressing, solutions are available. With the right professional guidance, patients can successfully navigate the path to a satisfactory revision rhinoplasty.